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So far Stephen Azzopardi has created 619 blog entries.
26 12, 2024

Malta Football Association’s staff wins 2024 edition of the Traditional Boxing Day Football Tournament

By |December 26th, 2024|0 Comments

The team formed by the Malta Football Association’s staff won this edition of the Traditional Boxing Day Football Tournament organised by the Malta Sports Journalists Association. For this year’s edition, the quadrangular tournament was made up of a team composed by the Malta Sports Journalists Association, a team from the Malta Football Referees Association, a team formed by the Malta Football Association’s staff and a team composed by the Parliament Members. Present during the tournament H.E. President of Malta H.E. Myriam Spiteri Debono where she shared her thoughts with those present and thanked them for the donations in aid of L-Istrina. Also present the Minister for Education, Sport, Youths, Research and Innovation Dr Clifton Grima and Opposition Leader and Leader of the Nationalist Party Dr Bernard Grech. The tournament was a very exciting one with the results as follows: MSJA 1-0 MP MFRA 1-2 MFA MSJA 1-3 MFA MFRA [...]

26 12, 2024

It-tim tal-Malta Football Association jirbaħ l-edizzjoni ta’ din is-sena tat-tournament tradizzjonali ta’ Boxing Day

By |December 26th, 2024|0 Comments

It-tim tal-istaff tal-Malta Football Association (MFA) rebaħ l-edizzjoni ta' din is-sena tat-tournament tradizzjonali ta’ Boxing Day. Dan it-tournament kellu l-parteċipazzjoni tat-tim li jirrapreżenta lill-media, tim li jirrapreżenta lir-referis organizzat mill-Malta Football Referees Association, tim magħmul mill-istaff tal-Malta Football Association (MFA) u tim magħmul mill-Membri Parlamentari. Preżenti wkoll għal parti sostanzjali mit-tournament kien hemm l-E.T. il-President ta’ Malta Myriam Spiteri Debono, illi ltaqgħet ma' dawk preżenti u rringrazzjathom għas-somma li bħal dejjem tinġabar wara tmiem dan it-tournament. Preżenti wkoll il-Ministru għall-Edukazzjoni, Sport, Żgħażagħ, Riċerka u Innovazzjoni Dr Clifton Grima u l-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni u tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Dr Bernard Grech. Ir-riżultati kollha kienu dawn: MSJA 1-0 MP MFRA 1-2 MFA MSJA 1-3 MFA MFRA 6-2 MP MSJA 5-3 MFRA MP 1-5 MFA Fi tmiem it-tournament saret il-preżentazzjoni mill-President tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports Clinton Buhagiar lil Dr. Angelo Chetcuti flimkien mal-plejers tat-tim tal-istaff tal-MFA. L-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports tirringrazzja lill-parteċipanti kollha u s-somma totali miġbura [...]

20 12, 2024

Duo Jake Castaldi and Dielyn Edwards together with Mattea Saliba are the winners of November’s Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award

By |December 20th, 2024|0 Comments

Duo Jake Castaldi and Dielyn Edwards (Blackball), and Mattea Saliba (Squash) are the winners of November’s Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award. Jake Castaldi, who will turn 15 in January, and Dielyn Edwards, who is 14 years old, secured the U-15 category title at the Blackball World Championships held in Malta in November. In a thrilling final, the Maltese duo faced Marcel Kusa and Riley Patterson from Northern Ireland. Castaldi and Edwards maintained their lead for much of the match, but Kusa and Patterson consistently stayed within striking distance. Ultimately, Castaldi and Edwards triumphed in a tense 6-5 decider, securing the championship title and lifting the trophy as World Champions. Meanwhile, squash champion Mattea Saliba, 14, has won the Girls Under 15 Irish Junior Open Tournament in Dublin. She sailed through the tournament and reached the final without losing a single game. This is Mattea’s fifth European title [...]

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