11, 2024
11, 2024
11, 2024
Fabio Spiteri wins the fifth IZIBET Elite Athlete Award for 2024
National Lottery plc and the Malta Sports Journalists Association (MSJA) are pleased to announce that Fabio Spiteri won the fifth IZIBET Elite Athlete Award for 2024, covering the months of September and October. On Thursday 12th September, Fabio Spiteri became the first Maltese ultra-triathlete to complete the DECA race at Lake Garda in Italy. The DECA Ultra Triathlon leads participants to over a total distance of 2,260 kilometres which corresponds to 10 times an Ironman race. Athletes are involved in a 38 km swim, 1,800 km bike ride before rounding off with a 422 km run, which the latter is equivalent to 10 marathon races. After an unsuccessful attempt last year in Brazil, where he was forced to withdraw due to severe blisters and torn muscles, Spiteri completed this year’s DECA challenge in 12 days, crossing the finish line with a total time of 264 hours, 51 minutes, [...]
11, 2024
Fabio Spiteri jirbaħ il-ħames IZIBET Elite Athlete Award għas-sena 2024
National Lottery plc u l-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports, bi pjaċir iħabbru li Fabio Spiteri rebaħ il-ħames unur tal-IZIBET Elite Athlete Award li jkopri x-xhur ta’ Settembru u Ottubru 2024. Nhar il-Ħamis 12 ta’ Settembru, Fabio Spiteri sar l-ewwel ultra-triatleta Malti li lesta t-tiġrija DECA f’Garda, fl-Italja. Id-DECA Ultra Triathlon tkopri distanza totali ta’ 2,260 kilometru li hija ekwivalenti għal 10 darbiet tiġrija tal-Ironman. L-atleti huma involuti f'għawma ta' 38 kilometru, ġirja bir-rota ta' 1,800 kilometru u ġirja ta' 422 km, li din tal-aħħar hija ekwivalenti għal 10 tiġrijiet maratona. Wara li s-sena l-oħra fil-Brażil, Spiteri kellu jirtira minħabba diversi nfafet f’saqajh u uġigħ fil-muskoli, huwa lesta l-isfida tad-DECA ta’ din is-sena fi tnax-il ġurnata u qasam il-linja finali b’ħin totali ta’ 264 siegħa, 51 minuta, u 58 sekonda. B’hekk huwa ġie fis-sitt post minn ħdax-il parteċipant. Spiteri ddedika dan is-suċċess għall-memorja tal-mibki ħabib kbir tiegħu u triatleta Jake Vella [...]
11, 2024
Jack Mizzi and Tenishia Thornton take October’s Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award
Jack Mizzi (Chess) and Tenishia Thornton (Weightlifting) are the winners of the Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award for October. Jack Mizzi who is 18 years old, has won the 89th edition of the Malta Chess Championship and re-confirmed the Junior Champion title for the third consecutive year. In the Final with a double round robin format, finalists played twice against each other, once with the white pieces and once with the black pieces. Mizzi was the only unbeaten player achieving 8 points out of the 10 maximum points. Mizzi is one of the youngest winners of the Malta Chess Championship. Meanwhile, Tenishia Thornton, aged 19, was crowned as the new European Champion at the European Junior Championships in Warsaw, Poland. Thornton kicked off the Snatch portion with an impressive 86 kilogrammes lift and finally made a successful attempt at 89 kilogrammes. In the Clean and Jerk, Thornton [...]