
About Stephen Azzopardi

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So far Stephen Azzopardi has created 533 blog entries.
11 08, 2024

Bayern Munich wins the first edition of the VisitMalta Cup in London

By |August 11th, 2024|0 Comments

On Saturday afternoon, Bayern Munich were the winner of the first edition of VisitMalta Cup against Tottenham Hotspur with the result of 3-2, in Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. The main aim of this game was that of strengthening the flow of sports tourism, with both the respective teams having thousands of supporters following them from around the world. Apart from this, both in the United Kingdom as well as in Germany, Tottenham Hotspur and Bayern Munich have the strongest wave of supporters in Europe. Throughout the game Malta’s name was mentioned several times by VisitMalta, a game which was broadcasted live both on British and German stations. Kulusevski gained advantage for Tottenham after only a minute of play. Bayern Munich started increasing their rhythm and by the end of the first half, they managed to score three times. The first goal was that of Upamecano who on the 16th minute balanced [...]

11 08, 2024

Bayern Munich jirbħu l-ewwel edizzjoni tal-VisitMalta Cup f’Londra

By |August 11th, 2024|0 Comments

Is-Sibt waranofsinhar fit-Tottenham Hotspur Stadium intlagħbet l-ewwel edizzjoni tal-VisitMalta Cup bit-tim ta’ Bayern Munich jegħleb lil Tottenham Hotspur bl-iskor ta’ 3-2. L-għan ewlieni ta’ din il-partita kien li jkompli jissaħħaħ it-turiżmu sportiv hekk kif iż-żewġ klabbs rispettivi għandhom eluf ta’ partitarji madwar id-dinja kollha li jsegwuhom. Apparti minn hekk, kemm fir-Renju Unit kif ukoll fil-Ġermanja, Tottenham Hotspur u Bayern Munich għandhom fost l-akbar bażi ta’ partitarji warajhom fl-Ewropa. Matul il-partita spikka b’mod kontinwu l-isem Malta permezz ta’ VisitMalta, liema partita intwerit b’mod dirett fuq stazzjonijiet Brittaniċi u anke Ġermaniżi. Għal dik li hija kronika tal-partita, Tottenham fil-vantaġġ wara biss minuta logħob permezz ta’ Kulusevski. Mal-ħin Bayern Munich bdew iżidu fir-ritmu u sa’ tmiem l-ewwel taqsima skorjaw tliet darbiet. L-ewwel kien Upamecano li fis-sittax-il minuta għamel kollox indaqs biex kif appena għaddew l-ewwel tlettin minuta tal-konfront Gnabry poġġa lil Ġermaniżi għall-ewwel darba fil-vantaġġ. Eżatt qabel l-intervall, il-veteran Thomas Muller għamilhom [...]

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