
About Stephen Azzopardi

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So far Stephen Azzopardi has created 575 blog entries.
20 11, 2024

Jack Mizzi and Tenishia Thornton take October’s Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award

By |November 20th, 2024|0 Comments

Jack Mizzi (Chess) and Tenishia Thornton (Weightlifting) are the winners of the Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award for October. Jack Mizzi who is 18 years old, has won the 89th edition of the Malta Chess Championship and re-confirmed the Junior Champion title for the third consecutive year. In the Final with a double round robin format, finalists played twice against each other, once with the white pieces and once with the black pieces. Mizzi was the only unbeaten player achieving 8 points out of the 10 maximum points. Mizzi is one of the youngest winners of the Malta Chess Championship. Meanwhile, Tenishia Thornton, aged 19, was crowned as the new European Champion at the European Junior Championships in Warsaw, Poland. Thornton kicked off the Snatch portion with an impressive 86 kilogrammes lift and finally made a successful attempt at 89 kilogrammes. In the Clean and Jerk, Thornton [...]

20 11, 2024

Jack Mizzi u Tenishia Thornton jirbħu l-unur tal-Atlas Atleta Żagħżugħ tax-Xahar ta’ Ottubru

By |November 20th, 2024|0 Comments

Jack Mizzi (Chess) u Tenishia Thornton (Weightlifting) huma r-rebbieħa tal-unur tal-Atlas Atleta Żagħżugħ tax-Xahar għal Ottubru 2024. Jack Mizzi li għandu 18-il sena, rebaħ id-89 edizzjoni tal-Kampjonat Nazzjonali taċ-Ċess u għat-tielet sena konsekuttiva huwa wkoll il-Junior Champion. Fil-Finali b’format ta’ double round robin, il-finalisti lagħbu darbtejn kontra xulxin, darba bl-abjad u darba bl-iswed. Mizzi kien l-uniku plejer li ma sofra l-ebda telfa u kiseb 8 punti minn massimu ta’ 10. Mizzi huwa wieħed mill-iżgħar rebbieħa tal-Kampjonat Nazzjonali taċ-Ċess. Min-naħa l-oħra Tenishia Thornton li għandha 19-il sena, ġiet inkurunata bħala Champion Ewropea fil-European Junior Championships li saru f’Varsavja, fil-Polonja. Thornton bdiet bi Snatch impressjonanti ta’ 86 kilogramma u wettqet b’suċċess l-aħħar refa’ ta’ 89 kilogramma. Fil-Clean and Jerk, Thornton kellha sfida akbar, meta bdiet b’refa’ ta’ 107 kilogrammi, meta hi immirat għall-110 kilogramma, hekk kif falliet fil-Jerk. Madanakollu fl-aħħar tentattiv tagħha hija kellha refa’ spettakolari ta’ 112-il kilogramma! B’hekk Tenishia [...]

19 11, 2024

The Malta Sports Journalists Association mourns the passing of its former Treasurer, Mario Meli

By |November 19th, 2024|0 Comments

The Malta Sports Journalists Association pays tribute to the memory of Mario Meli, as his death was announced in the past few hours, at the age of 84. He was one of the founding members of the Sports Writers Association in 1970 where he served as Assistant Secretary and later as Treasurer for many years. Born in 1940, while a student at Stella Maris College he began practicing athletics where he became local champion in the 800 metres and 1500 metres. In 1962 he joined Rediffusion as a correspondent and later with Radju Malta and from 1975 with Television Malta where he retired in 2015. As a journalist and commentator he attended many international events abroad including three editions of the Mediterranean Games and two editions of the Games for Small States of Europe. He was editor of the weekly newspaper Panorama Sports and the annual Arena Sportiva. His [...]

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