
About Stephen Azzopardi

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So far Stephen Azzopardi has created 592 blog entries.
8 01, 2025

Thomas Sammut and Sasha Gatt are the winners of December’s Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award

By |January 8th, 2025|0 Comments

Thomas Sammut (Darts) and Sasha Gatt (Swimming) are the winners of December’s Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award. Thomas Sammut, 15, won the youth ranking tournament organized by the Malta Darts Association, showing great consistency throughout.. He won all his matches and achieved success for the second consecutive time, having also won the tournament in November. Meanwhile, Maltese swimmer Sasha Gatt, 19, competed at the World Aquatics Swimming Championships in Budapest, Hungary, setting a new national record in the 800m freestyle. Gatt clocked 8 minutes, 35.15 seconds, finishing sixth in her heat. This meant she set a new national record in the distance, as well as collecting 795 FINA (International Swimming Federation) points. This number of points is the highest ever achieved by a Maltese swimmer. The Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award was presented to the winners by Matthew von Brockdorff, Managing Director and CEO of [...]

8 01, 2025

Thomas Sammut u Sasha Gatt huma r-rebbieħa tal-Atlas Atleti Żgħażagħ tax-Xahar ta’ Diċembru

By |January 8th, 2025|0 Comments

Thomas Sammut (Darts) u Sasha Gatt (Għawm) huma r-rebbieħa tal-Atlas Atleti Żgħażagħ tax-Xahar ta’ Diċembru. Thomas Sammut, li għandu 15-il sena, rebaħ ir-ranking tournament taż-żgħażagħ organizzat mill-Malta Darts Association, fejn kien ukoll  l-iktar plejer konsistenti billi rebaħ il-logħbiet kollha. Din kienet it-tieni darba li rebaħ dan ir-ranking tournament wara s-suċċess li kellu f’Novembru li għadda.  Min-naħa l-oħra, l-għawwiema Maltija Sasha Gatt li għandha 19-il sena, ħadet sehem fil-Kampjonati Dinjija tal-Akwatika u l-Għawm li saru f’Budapest, l-Ungerija, fejn waqqfet rekord nazzjonali ġdid fit-800 metru freestyle. Gatt spiċċat f’ħin ta’ 8 minuti, 35.15 sekondi, u temmet fis-sitt post fil-heat tagħha. Dan fisser li waqqfet rekord nazzjonali ġdid f’din id-distanza, kif ukoll ġabret 795 punt tal-FINA (il-Federazzjoni Internazzjonai tal-Għawm). Dan l-ammont ta’ punti huwa l-akbar wieħed qatt miksub minn għawwiema Maltija. Il-preżentazzjoni tal-unur tal-Atlas Atleti Żgħażagħ tax-Xahar lir-rebbieħa saret minn Matthew von Brockdorff, Direttur Maniġerjali u CEO ta’ Atlas Insurance. F’isem l-Għaqda [...]

7 01, 2025

Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali (65th edition) – Final Call for Nominations Submissions

By |January 7th, 2025|0 Comments

The Executive Committee of the Malta Sports Journalists Association would like to remind that the deadline for the submission of the nominations for the 2024's edition of L-Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali is noon of Wednesday 8th of January 2025 as the awards ceremony is set for Saturday 1st March 2025. Late submissions or submissions which do not comply with the stipulated regulations, like sending in more than one submission of each respective category, will be deemed invalid and will not be accepted. Sports Associations and Federations are being invited to nominate athletes and officials in the respective categories. The categories are Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year, Man and Woman Youth of the Year, Coach of the Year, Official of the Year and Team of the Year. They are also requested to submit your nomination for the People’s Choice Award which is a popularity vote to be decided solely by sms [...]

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