
About Stephen Azzopardi

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So far Stephen Azzopardi has created 619 blog entries.
17 02, 2025

Matthew Zammit and Thea Parnis Coleiro are the first winners the Atlas Youth Athletes of the Month Award for 2025

By |February 17th, 2025|0 Comments

Matthew Zammit (Table Tennis) and Thea Parnis Coleiro (Athletics) are the winners of January’s Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award. Matthew Zammit, 14, won the Under-19 Youth Ranking Tournament organized by the Malta Table Tennis Association, defeating Luke Bonello 3-1 in an exciting final. It was a very entertaining match, with both players showcasing impressive form. On his path to victory, Zammit secured wins against Vladislav Lyksuh (3-1), Luke Fenech (3-2) and Gabriele Bianco (3-0). Meanwhile, Thea Parnis Coleiro, 16, delivered an outstanding performance at the London Indoor Games, competing in the U20 category. She claimed second place in the 200m event while breaking the national U18 and U20 records. Additionally, she set a new national record in the 60m U18/U20 category and secured first place in Pre-Season 1. Her achievements not only stand atop the national rankings but also surpass those of more experienced athletes. The Atlas [...]

13 02, 2025

Tenishia Thornton tirbaħ l-Atlas Atleta Żagħżugħa tas-Sena 2024

By |February 13th, 2025|0 Comments

Wara li rebħet l-unur tal-Atlas Atleta Żagħżugħa tax-Xahar għal Ottubru, il-weightlifter żagħżugħa Tenishia Thornton rebħet l-Atlas Atleta Żagħżugħa tas-Sena 2024. Din hija t-tielet darba għal Tenishia Thornton wara li li rebħet l-ewwel unur annwali li kien fis-sena 2020 u l-unur annwali tal-2023. B’hekk dan l-unur attwali u prestiġġjuż wasal wara votazzjoni minn panel ta’ tliet ġurnalisti mħallta mal-votazzjoni tal-pubbliku, li saret online matul dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat. Fit-tieni post overall ġew id-duo tal-Blackball Jake Castaldi u Dielyn Edwards segwiti mill-baħħara żagħżugħa Katrina Micallef. Tenishia Thornton li għandha 19-il sena, ġiet inkurunata bħala Champion Ewropea fil-European Junior Championships li saru f’Varsavja, fil-Polonja. Thornton bdiet bi Snatch impressjonanti ta’ 86 kilogramma u wettqet b’suċċess l-aħħar refa’ ta’ 89 kilogramma. Fil-Clean and Jerk, Thornton kellha sfida akbar, meta bdiet b’refa’ ta’ 107 kilogrammi, meta hi immirat għall-110 kilogramma, hekk kif falliet fil-Jerk. Madanakollu fl-aħħar tentattiv tagħha hija kellha refa’ spettakolari ta’ 112-il kilogramma! [...]

13 02, 2025

Tenishia Thornton wins the Atlas Youth Athlete of the Year Award 2024

By |February 13th, 2025|0 Comments

After achieving the Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month for October, the young weightlifter Tenishia Thornton has now been awarded with the Atlas Youth Athlete of the Year Award 2024. For Tenishia Thornton it’s the third time after she has won the first edition of this award, which took place in 2020 and the 2022’s edition. She won this prestigious award after a combined vote by a panel of three sports journalists and a public vote which was held online over the past weeks. Runners up are the Blackball duo Jake Castaldi and Dielyn Edwards followed by the young sailor Katrina Micallef. Tenishia Thornton, aged 19, was crowned as the new European Champion at the European Junior Championships in Warsaw, Poland. Thornton kicked off the Snatch portion with an impressive 86 kilogrammes lift and finally made a successful attempt at 89 kilogrammes. In the Clean and Jerk, Thornton started strongly at [...]

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