10, 2024
10, 2024
10, 2024
10, 2024
Andrei Fenech and Kim Camilleri Laganà take September’s Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award
Andrei Fenech (Karting) and Kim Camilleri Laganà (Weightlifting) are the winners of the Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award for September. Andrei Fenech who is still 7 years old, not only won the Rotax Micro national title with a total of 125 points but broke his own previous record when he set a new record of 44.76 seconds. This success makes Andrei Fenech a promising driver in the international scene of the Rotax Karting series. Meanwhile, Kim Camilleri Laganà, aged 16, took part in the 49 kilogrammes B category and placed seventh at the International Weightlifting Federation’s Under 20 World Championships in Leon, Spain. Camilleri Laganà had a successful lift of 64 kilogrammes in the Snatch and 84 kilogrammes followed by 86 kilogrammes in the Clean and Jerk. The Maltese lifter ended her commitments in the competition with a total score of 150 kilogrammes. The Atlas Youth Athlete of [...]
10, 2024
Andrei Fenech u Kim Camilleri Laganà jirbħu l-unur tal-Atlas Atleta Żagħżugħ tax-Xahar ta’ Settembru
Andrei Fenech (Karting) u Kim Camilleri Laganà (Weightlifting) huma r-rebbieħa tal-unur tal-Atlas Atleta Żagħżugħ tax-Xahar għal Settembru 2024. Andrei Fenech li għad għandu 7 snin, mhux biss rebaħ it-titlu nazzjonali tar-Rotax Micro b’total ta’ 125 punt imma kiser ir-rekord preċedenti tiegħu stess meta waqqaf rekord ġdid ta’ 44.76 sekondi. Dan is-suċċess jagħmel lil Andrei Fenech sewwieq promettenti fix-xena internazzjonali tar-Rotax Karting series. Min-naħa l-oħra Kim Camilleri Laganà li għandha 16-il sena, ġiet fis-seba’ post fil-Kampjonati Dinjija ta’ taħt l-20 sena organizzati mill-Federazzjoni Internazzjonali tal-Weightlifting li saru f’Leon fi Spanja. Hija kkompetiet fil-kategorija B tad-49 kilogramma u refgħet 64 kilogramma fl-isnatch u fil-clean and jerk kellha refgħat ta’ 84 u 86 kilogramma. Il-lifter Maltija temmet l-impenji tagħha f’din il-kompetizzjoni b’total ta’ 150 kilogramma. Il-preżentazzjoni tal-unur tal-Atlas Atleta Żagħżugħ tax-Xahar lir-rebbieħa saret minn Robert Micallef, Chief Commercial Officer ta’ Atlas Insurance. F’isem l-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports kien hemm preżenti l-President Clinton Buhagiar [...]