02, 2025
02, 2025
01, 2025
Lydan Debono jirbaħ is-sitt IZIBET Elite Athlete Award għas-sena 2024
National Lottery plc u l-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports, bi pjaċir iħabbru li Lydan Debono rebaħ is-sitt unur tal-IZIBET Elite Athlete Award li jkopri x-xhur ta’ Novembru u Diċembru 2024. Nhar is-Sibt 9 ta’ Novembru, Lydan Debono ġie nkurunat Champion tad-Dinja tal-Blackball meta fil-finali tal-Kampjonati Dinjija tal-Blackball, li kienu qed isiru f’Malta, għeleb lill-Ingliż Dean Shields 10-5. Bidu iebes għal Debono li tilef l-ewwel żewġ frames mill-aqwa minn 19-il frame. Madanakollu il-plejer Malti ma ħarisx lura u kellu wirja stupenda fejn rebaħ ħames frames konsekuttivi. Għal ftit tal-ħin Shields naqas id-distakk iżda Lydan Debono rebaħ il-ħmistax-il frame deċiżiv. Franco de Gabriele, Chief Commercial Officer ta' IZI Group kellu kliem ta’ tifħir dwar il-prestazzjoni straordinarja ta’ Lydan Debono fejn qal, “Is-suċċess dinji ta' Lydan huwa r-riżultat tad-dedikazzjoni kbira tiegħu. Il-fatt li huwa rebaħ il-Kampjonat tad-Dinja tal-Blackball mhijiex xi ħaġa żgħira u l-ħila tiegħu li jqum għall-okkażjoni minkejja li jkun taħt pressjoni [...]
01, 2025
Lydan Debono wins the sixth IZIBET Elite Athlete Award for 2024
National Lottery plc and the Malta Sports Journalists Association (MSJA) are pleased to announce that Lydan Debono won the sixth IZIBET Elite Athlete Award for 2024, covering the months of November and December. On Saturday 9th November, Lydan Debono was crowned Blackball World Champion beating English player Dean Shields 10-5 in the World Blackball Championship’s final held in Malta. Debono faced an early challenge, losing the opening two frames of the best-of-19 final. However, the determined Maltese player maintained his composure, mounting an impressive comeback by winning five consecutive frames. The Englishman momentarily halted Debono's momentum by clinching the eighth frame, but that was just a temporary reprieve as Debono claimed the next three frames to surge 8-3 ahead. Even though Shields narrowed the gap to 9-5, Debono was flawless with a fine table clearance in the 15th frame to seal a 10-5 victory. Franco de Gabriele, Chief [...]
01, 2025