
About Stephen Azzopardi

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So far Stephen Azzopardi has created 578 blog entries.
14 10, 2024

Qormi Daikin win Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sport Super Cup

By |October 14th, 2024|0 Comments

Qormi Daikin won the Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sport Super Cup after beating Floriana Young Stars 4-0. This was the season opener between two winning teams of the championship and KO competition. The Yellow and Blacks took the opportunities and punished the Greens who, despite their efforts, didn't manage to break through the organized defense of their opponents. Qormi went ahead after only six minutes when it was Luke Bajada who managed to beat goalkeeper Marvin Grixti from close range. In the second quarter, Qormi Daikin doubled the score when it was Kyle Micallef who received well from Luke Bajada slot the ball behind Grixti. Just as in the third quarter, Floriana had a goal cancelled after a foul, in the fourth and last quarter, Qormi Daikin sealed the victory with two goals from Julian Zahra and Kyle Micallef. At the end of the match, Qormi's celebrations could begin, with Robert Busuttil, a [...]

14 10, 2024

Qormi Daikin jirbħu l-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sport Super Cup

By |October 14th, 2024|0 Comments

Qormi Daikin rebħu l-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sport Super Cup tal-Hockey wara li għelbu lil Floriana Young Stars 4-0. Din kienet logħba li fetħet l-istaġun 2024/25 tal-Hockey bejn żewġ timijiet rebbieħa tal-kampjonat u l-kompetizzjoni KO. Kienet logħba fejn il-Qriema ħadu l-okkażjonijiet li ġewhom u kkastigaw lill-Furjaniżi li minkejja li ppruvaw, ftit irnexxielhom jinfdu d-difiża organizzata tal-avversarji. Qormi marru minn fuq wara biss sitt minuti meta kien Luke Bajada li mill-viċin għeleb lill-goalkeeper Marvin Grixti. Fit-tieni quarter, Qormi Daikin irduppjaw l-iskor meta kien Kyle Micallef li rċieva tajjeb mingħand Luke Bajada sabiex xeħet il-ballun wara Grixti. Hekk kif fit-tielet quarter, Floriana kellhom gowl imħassar wara irregolarita', fir-raba' u l-aħħar quarter, Qormi Daikin issiġġillaw ir-rebħa b'żewġ gowls ta' Julian Zahra u Kyle Micallef. Fi tmiem il-konfront setgħu jibdew iċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet ta' Qormi li laħqu l-qofol tagħhom meta Robert Busuttil, membru fil-Kumitat Eżekuttiv tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sport ippreżenta t-tazza lill-plejer ta' Qormi Daikin Wyatt Magri. Ritratt: Il-Membru [...]

10 10, 2024

Call for nominations for the TGS Fair Play Award July – September 2024

By |October 10th, 2024|0 Comments

The Malta Sports Journalists Association and the Malta Fair Play Movement are evaluating entries related to the Fair Play concept that associations, sports officials and athletes might have witnessed during the July-September 2024 period. All sports associations, federations and even the general public are kindly asked to submit details of events, competitions, and/or training sessions where an act of Fair Play has been witnessed. In addition, information regarding athlete(s), team(s), or official(s) involved is also required. It is essential that the nominations focus on actions demonstrating fair play in a sporting context, rather than social or philanthropic activities outside of the sport itself. Nominations are to be sent via email to by no later than 25th October 2024.

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