
About Stephen Azzopardi

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So far Stephen Azzopardi has created 619 blog entries.
20 01, 2025

Final Days to Vote! Atlas Youth Athlete of the Year 2024 – Cast Your Vote on Facebook

By |January 20th, 2025|0 Comments

The Malta Sports Journalists Association and Atlas Insurance have officially launched the public voting for the overall Atlas Youth Athlete of the Year Award 2024. The voting via the Atlas Insurance official Facebook page opened on the 10th and will come to a close on 22nd January 2025. This year’s Annual Award holds special significance as it marks the initiative’s 5th anniversary, celebrating a half-decade of recognising exceptional young talent in sports. Members of the public are invited to vote for one of the athletes who won the Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award over the previous 12 months. The winner would then be crowned as the Atlas Youth Athlete of the Year 2024 on the basis of the combined vote of the public and a panel of sports journalists. Robert Micallef, Chief Commercial Officer of Atlas Insurance, commented: “Atlas is honoured to have acknowledged the achievements of [...]

13 01, 2025

Sport for Social Change Award: Nominations are Open

By |January 13th, 2025|0 Comments

Local Sports Associations, Federations, NGO’s and Voluntary Organizations are being invited to submit their nominations for the second edition of the ‘Sport for Social Change’ category at the 65th Edition of the Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali. This award has been introduced last year to highlight and appreciate the amazing work of organizations across the Maltese Islands that are using sport and/or physical activity to create a positive impact on local communities and individuals in need. The ‘Sport for Social Change Award’ is intended to increase the interest of sports entities to make that extra effort to help others. Sports Associations, Federations, NGO’s and VO’s can submit any of their initiatives which were held between the period 1st January till 31st December of the year under review (2024). The initiative/s can be nationwide, or at local, grassroots level. The award recognizes the growing influence of the sport for the development sector, [...]

13 01, 2025

Jinfetaħ il-proċess tan-nominazzjonijiet għas-Sport for Social Change Award

By |January 13th, 2025|0 Comments

Assoċjazzjonijiet Sportivi Lokali, Federazzjonijiet, Organizzazzjonijiet mhux Governattivi u Organizzazzjonijet Volontarji qed ikunu mistiedna biex jissottomettu n-nominazzjonijiet tagħhom għall-kategorija ‘Sport for Social Change’ tal-65 Edizzjoni tal-Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali. Għat-tieni sena konsekuttiva se jiġi ppreżentat dan l-unur waqt L-Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali, sabiex tintwera l-importanza u l-apprezzament tax-xogħol imprezzabbli ta’ organizzazzjonijiet madwar il-gżejjer Maltin li qed jużaw l-isport jew attività fiżika sabiex joħolqu impatt pożittiv fuq il-komunitajiet lokali u individwi fil-bżonn. L-għan tal-unur ‘Sport for Social Change Award’ huwa biex iżid iktar interess fl-entitajiet sportivi biex jagħmlu iktar ħilithom u jkomplu jgħinu lil min hu fil-bżonn. Assoċjazzjonijiet Sportivi, Federazzjonijiet, Organizzazzjonijiet mhux Governattivi kif ukoll Organizzazzjonijiet Volontarji jistgħu jissottomettu l-inizjattivi tagħhom li jkunu saru bejn l- 1 ta’ Jannar u l-31 ta’ Diċembru ta’ dik is-sena li tkun qed tiġi evalwata (2024). L-inizjattiva/i jistgħu jkunu wiesa’ fuq bażi nazzjonali jew fuq bażi lokali. L-Award se jirrikonoxxi l-isforz li qed isir fis-settur li jinkludi [...]

8 01, 2025

Thomas Sammut and Sasha Gatt are the winners of December’s Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award

By |January 8th, 2025|0 Comments

Thomas Sammut (Darts) and Sasha Gatt (Swimming) are the winners of December’s Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award. Thomas Sammut, 15, won the youth ranking tournament organized by the Malta Darts Association, showing great consistency throughout.. He won all his matches and achieved success for the second consecutive time, having also won the tournament in November. Meanwhile, Maltese swimmer Sasha Gatt, 19, competed at the World Aquatics Swimming Championships in Budapest, Hungary, setting a new national record in the 800m freestyle. Gatt clocked 8 minutes, 35.15 seconds, finishing sixth in her heat. This meant she set a new national record in the distance, as well as collecting 795 FINA (International Swimming Federation) points. This number of points is the highest ever achieved by a Maltese swimmer. The Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award was presented to the winners by Matthew von Brockdorff, Managing Director and CEO of [...]

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