Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali

5 03, 2025

Ir-riżultat komplut u finali tal-65 edizzjoni tal-Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali

By |March 5th, 2025|0 Comments

Il-Kumitat Eżekuttiv tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports qiegħed jippubblika r-riżultati finali fil-kategoriji kollha tal-65 edizzjoni tal-Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali li saret nhar is-Sibt l-1 ta’ Marzu, fil-Westin Dragonara Resort, f'San Ġiljan. Il-ġurnalisti li ffurmaw il-ġurija vvutaw ftit jiem qabel ma r-rebbieħa ġew imħabbra fis-Serata Finali. Il-ġurija kienet komposta minn Mario Bonnici, Clinton Buhagiar, Charles Camenzuli, Valhmor Camilleri, Chris Cassar, Lorraine Cunningham, Chris Falzon,  Simon Farrugia u Mario Saliba. Għall-People’s Choice Award il-voti kienu 100% tal-pubbliku permezz tal-SMS. Il-Kumitat Eżekuttiv tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports jieħu din l-opportunità sabiex jirringrazzja mill-ġdid lill-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni, Sport, Żgħażagħ, Riċerka u Innovazzjoni, kif ukoll lill-isponsors kollha tas-sostenn tagħhom biex l-edizzjoni ta’ din is-sena reġgħet kienet suċċess. Ir-riżultat uffiċjali huwa dan: SPORTIV TAS-SENA 1. NEIL AGIUS (GHAWM OPEN WATER) 2. LYDAN DEBONO (BLACKBALL) 3. NICO SCIBERRAS (SPARAR TRAP) 4. BRIAN CINI (SNOOKER) 5. NORBERT ATTARD (DARTS) SPORTIVA TAS-SENA 1. TENISHIA THORNTON (WEIGHTLIFTING) 2. KATRYNA ESPOSITO (JUDO) 3. FRANCESCA CURMI (TENNIS) [...]

5 03, 2025

The final and complete results for the 65th Edition of the Ghazliet Sportivi Nazzjonali

By |March 5th, 2025|0 Comments

The Executive Committee of the Malta Sports Journalists Association (MSJA) is publishing the full results for all categories of the 65th edition of the Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali held on Saturday 1st March at the Westin Dragonara Resort, St. Julian's. The jury cast their votes a few days before the winners were announced during the actual awards ceremony. The jury for this year’s edition was composed of Mario Bonnici, Clinton Buhagiar, Charles Camenzuli, Valhmor Camilleri, Chris Cassar, Lorraine Cunningham, Chris Falzon, Simon Farrugia and Mario Saliba. In the case of the People’s Choice Award the final result was decided by 100% public SMS voting. The MSJA Executive Committee takes this opportunity to thank again the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation, and all the sponsors, for yet another successful edition. The official results are: SPORTSMAN OF THE YEAR 1. NEIL AGIUS (OPEN WATER SWIMMING) 2. LYDAN DEBONO (BLACKBALL) [...]

1 03, 2025

Neil Agius and Tenishia Thornton take top honours during the 65th Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali

By |March 1st, 2025|0 Comments

The winners of the 65th edition of the Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali were announced on Saturday evening during a live transmission aired on TVMsport+ as well as on the Malta Sports Journalists Association’s Facebook page. The final gala night started with the Red Carpet hosted by Joanna Camilleri and Malta Sports Journalists Association’s Administrator Stephen Azzopardi. Guest speakers during this event included the Minister responsible for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation, Hon. Clifton Grima and Clinton Buhagiar, President of the Malta Sports Journalists Association (MSJA). Also present the international special guest French Paralympic athlete Esteban Herrault and MSJA Honorary Presidents Fr Hilary Tagliaferro, Charles Camenzuli who is also AIPS Europe President and Sandro Micallef. Once again three veteran sports journalists were inducted in MSJA's Hall of Fame: Malta Sports Writers Association's first General Secretary Joe Cutajar, the late Colin Cauchi and Mario Saliba who is still active in sports [...]

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