
25 09, 2021

Maltco presentation to the Winners of SportMalta Awards L-Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali (24/9/21) – 61st edition

By |September 25th, 2021|0 Comments

24 09, 2021

Maltco Lotteries tippreżenta għajnuna finanzjarja lir-Rebbieħa tal-iSportMalta Awards għad-disa’ sena konsekuttiva

By |September 24th, 2021|0 Comments

Il-Ġimgħa 24 ta’ Settembru 2021 - Maltco Lotteries kompliet turi l-apprezzament tagħha lejn it-talent lokali billi ppremjat b’għajnuna finanzjarja lir-rebbieħa tal-iSportMalta Awards - Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali.  Din hija d-disa’ sena konsekuttiva li l-operatur tal-Lotteija Nazzjonali qed joħroġ b’din l-inizjattiva. L-atleti lokali kienu ġew ippremjati fil-kategoriji rispettivi tagħhom fit-13 ta’ Marzu li għadda waqt l-iSportMalta Awards - Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali organizzati minn SportMalta flimkien mal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports. Is-sapport kontinwu li tagħti l-kumpanija Maltco Lotteries ġie affermat mis-CEO, Vasileios Kasiotakis. “L-isport huwa pilastru ewlieni fil-programm ta’ matul is-sena u bħala kumpanija nħossuna kommessi u kburin li nissaportjaw dan l-avveniment prestiġġjuż. L-għajnuna finanzjarja mogħtija direttament lir-rebbieħa hija l-konferma li Maltco Lotteries huwa mpenjat lejn l-isport lokali u jinkoragixxi u jinċentiva lil dawn l-atleti rebbieħa biex jimxu l-quddiem fil-karriera sportiva tagħhom.” Il-President tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports, Sandro Micallef irringrazzja lil Maltco Lotteries għas-sapport kontinwu tagħhom mhux biss fl-iSportMalta Awards - Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali imma għas-sehem [...]

24 09, 2021

Maltco Lotteries presents financial support to SportMalta Awards Winners for the 9th consecutive year

By |September 24th, 2021|0 Comments

Friday 24th September 2021 - Maltco Lotteries showed its appreciation towards local talent and awarded the winners from the SportMalta Awards - Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali by means of financial support.  This has been the 9th consecutive year for the National Lottery operator to support this initiative. The local athletes have been awarded with their respective title back in March for their 2020 achievements during the SportMalta Awards - Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali televised ceremony held on Saturday, the 13th of March, which was organised by SportMalta together with the Malta Sports Journalists Association. The company’s constant support for this event was affirmed by Maltco Lotteries CEO, Vasileios Kasiotakis. “Having sport as one of the core pillars of our annual CSR programme, the company is proud to have once again reaffirmed its commitment to support this prestigious event. The direct financial support to the winners is another confirmation that Maltco Lotteries is [...]

10 07, 2021

Sportman and Sportwomen of the year presented with coveted trophies

By |July 10th, 2021|0 Comments

Eightball Pool player Dejan Grech as the Sportsman of the Year and international football player Haley Bugeja as the Sportswoman of the Year were presented with the trophies won in this year’s edition of SportMalta Awards Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali. The presentation was held at the Auberge de Castille, cordially invited by the Prime Minister Dr Robert Abela and Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Volunteering, Sport and Recreation Dr Clifton Grima in the presence of part of the Malta Sports Journalists Association’s Executive Members. Prim Minister Dr Robert Abela said that such awards reflect the commitment, professionalism and sacrifice that these athletes do on a daily basis. He also emphasised that these athletes are to be considered as role models for all children and youths, through their perseverance and determination they are not only making a good name for themselves but also for our country. Hon. Parliamentary Secretary Clifron Grima said that through [...]

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