
25 02, 2023

Winners of the 63rd edition of the SportMalta Awards Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali

By |February 25th, 2023|0 Comments

The winners of the SportMalta Awards Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali were announced on Saturday evening during a live transmission aired on TVMSport+ as well as on the Malta Sports Journalists Association’s Facebook page. The 63rd edition saw the return of the finalists and guests back as an audience. The final night started with the Red Carpet hosted by Malta Sports Journalists Association’s General Secretary Lorraine Cunningham and Special Olympics Athlete Gilmour Borg. Guest speakers during this event included the Minister responsible for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation, Hon. Clifton Grima, CEO SportMalta Mark Cutajar, CEO Chairmam Prof. Andrew Decelis and Sandro Micallef, President of the Malta Sports Journalists Association. Also present ex Maltese Athlete Tanya Blake, President of Hungarian Sports Journalists Association and AIPS Europe Vice President Gyorgy Szollosi, Cyprus Sports Writers Association General Secretary Mikaelo Papadakis, AIPS Europe President Charles Camenzuli, and President of USSI (Unione Stampa Sportiva [...]

25 02, 2023

Magħrufa r-rebbieħa tat-63 edizzjoni tal-iSportMalta Awards Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali

By |February 25th, 2023|0 Comments

Is-Sibt filgħaxija waqt xandira diretta fuq TVMSport+ u l-paġna ta’ Facebook tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports, tħabbru r-rebbieħa tal-iSportMalta Awards Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali. It-63 edizzjoni rat lura l-finalisti u l-mistednin tagħhom flimkien ma’ mistednin distinti, bħala udjenza waqt is-serata finali. Din l-attività bdiet bir-Red Carpet ippreżentat mis-Segretarju Ġenerali tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports Lorraine Cunningham u l-atleta minn Special Olympics Gilmour Borg. Saru diskorsi qosra tal-okkażjoni mill-Ministru responsabbli mill-Edukazzjoni, Sport, Żgħażagħ, Riċerka u Innovazzjoni l-Onor Clifton Grima, il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ SportMalta Mark Cutajar, iċ-Chairma ta' SportMalta Profs. Andrew Decelis u l-President tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports Sandro Micallef. Preżenti wkoll il-mistiedna speċjali l-eks atleta Maltija Tanya Blake, il-President tal-Għaqda tal-Ġurnalisti Sportivi tal-Ungerija u l-Viċi President tal-AIPS Europe Gyorgy Szollosi, is-Segretarju Ġenerali tal-Għaqda tal-Ġurnalisti Sportivi taċ-Ċipru Mikaelo Papadakis, il-President tal-AIPS Europe Charles Camenzuli, il-President tal-USSI (Unione Stampa Sportiva Italiana) Gianfranco Coppola. Għal sena oħra din is-serata kienet organizzata b’mod konġunt mill-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports flimkien ma’ SportMalta [...]

22 02, 2023

Special guests confirmed for this year’s edition of SportMalta Awards L-Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali

By |February 22nd, 2023|0 Comments

The executive committee of the Malta Sports Journalists Association is proud to confirm the special guests for this edition of the SportMalta Awards L-Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali, coming from the international sport sector and from the international media sector. The main special guest for this event is the ex-Maltese athlete Tanya Blake, who won three gold medals in the GSSE 2003 held in Malta and represented Malta in the Olympic Games in Athens in 2004. Other distinguished guests include Gyorgy Szollosi who is the President of the Hungarian Sports Journalists Association and he’s also AIPS Europe Vice President. Also coming over for this event is the General Secretary of the Cyprus Sports Writers Association, Mikaelo Papadakis. Another familiar guest for this awards ceremony is Gianfranco Coppola, who is the President of USSI (Unione Stampa Sportiva Italiana). The 63rd edition of the SportMalta Awards L-Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali, [...]

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