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22 01, 2025

Il-plejer leġendarju Denis Irwin u l-memorji sbieħ tiegħu f’Malta

By |January 22nd, 2025|0 Comments

Il-plejer leġendarju ta' Manchester United Denis Irwin kien il-mistieden speċjali fuq l-istand ta’ VisitMalta fil-fiera tal-ivjaġġar Destinations f’Manchester li saret bejn is-16 u d-19 ta' Jannar fejn dawk preżenti kellhom iċ-ċans jieħdu ritratti miegħu u ħafna anke bdew jitolbuh l-awtografu. L-Amministratur tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports Stephen Azzopardi kellu l-opportunità li jintervista lil Denis Irwin grazzi għal VisitMalta u l-ftehim li għandhom mat-tim ta’ Manchester United. Fil-kummenti tiegħu Irwin qal li huwa jħossu onorat li lagħab ma' Manchester United u li tgħallem ħafna mingħand Sir Alex Ferguson. Semma kif Ferguson kien jieħu ħsieb il-plejers tiegħu u li kien għalihom missier. Denis Irwin ħeġġeġ lil dawk żgħar fl-età u li jixtiequ jagħmlu karriera fil-futbol sabiex jieħdu pjaċir bil-logħba tal-futbol u jitbissmu għaliex hija logħba mill-isbaħ! Ma kienx jonqos li Denis Irwin jaqsam il-memorji sbieħ li għandu ta' Malta meta ltaqa' mal-partitarji Maltin fil-Manchester United Supporters’ Club, li huwa wieħed mill-eqdem fergħat u [...]

22 01, 2025

Manchester United legend Denis Irwin shares his wonderful memories of Malta

By |January 22nd, 2025|0 Comments

Manchester United’s football legend Denis Irwin was present last Saturday at the VisitMalta stand at the Destinations: The Holiday & Travel Show in Manchester, which took place between the 16th and 19th of January 2025. Denis Irwin engaged with fans, provided a brief interview, and mingled with the crowd, making the event even more memorable for attendees. Malta Sports Journalists Association's Administrator Stephen Azzopardi had the opportunity to interview Denis Irwin thanks to VisitMalta and its collaboration with Manchester United. Denis Irwin said that he enjoyed playing with Manchester United and learnt a lot from Sir Alex Ferguson, who always took care of his players and was considered as a father figure. Irwin gave some advice to the young ones to enjoy playing football and keep smiling because football is a very nice game. Denis Irwin fondly recalls his meeting with Manchester United fans at the Manchester United Supporters’ [...]

20 01, 2025

Final Days to Vote! Atlas Youth Athlete of the Year 2024 – Cast Your Vote on Facebook

By |January 20th, 2025|0 Comments

The Malta Sports Journalists Association and Atlas Insurance have officially launched the public voting for the overall Atlas Youth Athlete of the Year Award 2024. The voting via the Atlas Insurance official Facebook page opened on the 10th and will come to a close on 22nd January 2025. This year’s Annual Award holds special significance as it marks the initiative’s 5th anniversary, celebrating a half-decade of recognising exceptional young talent in sports. Members of the public are invited to vote for one of the athletes who won the Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award over the previous 12 months. The winner would then be crowned as the Atlas Youth Athlete of the Year 2024 on the basis of the combined vote of the public and a panel of sports journalists. Robert Micallef, Chief Commercial Officer of Atlas Insurance, commented: “Atlas is honoured to have acknowledged the achievements of [...]

13 01, 2025

Sport for Social Change Award: Nominations are Open

By |January 13th, 2025|0 Comments

Local Sports Associations, Federations, NGO’s and Voluntary Organizations are being invited to submit their nominations for the second edition of the ‘Sport for Social Change’ category at the 65th Edition of the Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali. This award has been introduced last year to highlight and appreciate the amazing work of organizations across the Maltese Islands that are using sport and/or physical activity to create a positive impact on local communities and individuals in need. The ‘Sport for Social Change Award’ is intended to increase the interest of sports entities to make that extra effort to help others. Sports Associations, Federations, NGO’s and VO’s can submit any of their initiatives which were held between the period 1st January till 31st December of the year under review (2024). The initiative/s can be nationwide, or at local, grassroots level. The award recognizes the growing influence of the sport for the development sector, [...]

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