
24 10, 2023

Women in sports media seminar ignites motivation

By |October 24th, 2023|0 Comments

The Malta Sports Journalists Association organised the first ever seminar totally focused on women involved in the sports media industry, Training Women Sports Journalists and Reporters to Work More at Ease in The Sports Media Industry. This seminar was hosted at one of the leading hotels in Malta and involved various speakers, including Dr Zsuzsa Csisztu who is a renowned sports journalist and presenter in Hungary. She’s also a sports lawyer, Vice President of the Hungarian Sports Journalists Association and one of the AIPS’ Vice Presidents. Being one of the first women presenting football programmes in Hungary,  she shared the difficulties she encountered when she became part of the sports media sector including intimidations and verbal attacks.  She had the courage to take to court all those responsible for such intensified attacks, where she opened seven cases and won them all. Csisztu also emphasised the importance of training women journalists [...]

16 10, 2023

Jack Mizzi jirbaħ il-premju Atlas Atleta Żagħżugħ tax-Xahar għal Settembru 2023

By |October 16th, 2023|0 Comments

Jack Mizzi, li għandu 17-il sena, stabilixxa rekord ġdid fiċ-Chess f’Malta, meta fis-17 ta’ Settembru kien ir-rebbieħ tal-Malta Blitz Championship, fejn rebaħ id-disa’ logħbiet li kellu u sar wieħed mill-ftit li rebaħ kampjonat ta’ din ix-xorta b’rebħiet massimi Il-Malta Blitz Championship huwa avveniment annwali organizzat mill-Malta Chess Federation, li fih ħadu sehem 32 parteċipant minn pajjiżi differenti, fosthom il-Ġermanja, it-Turkija, is-Serbja u ċ-Ċina. B’differenza mil-logħba taċ-Chess tradizzjonali, fejn logħba taf iddum aktar minn tliet sigħat, fil-Blitz kull plejer ikollu tliet minuti b’żieda ta’ żewġ sekondi u kull logħba ma tieħux aktar minn għaxar minuti. Mizzi ilu jilgħab iċ-chess minn mindu kellu għaxar snin. Ta’ tlettax-il sena huwa kien l-iżgħar plejer li rebaħ il-preliminari tal-kompetizzjoni lokali. Is-sena li għaddiet huwa sar l-iżgħar Malti li qatt rebaħ it-titlu ta’ Candidate Master, li jingħata mill-Federazzjoni Internazzjonali taċ-Chess lil dawk il-plejers li għandhom ċans kbir li jsiru masters. It-trofew tal-Atlas atleta żagħżugħ tax-xahar [...]

16 10, 2023

Jack Mizzi wins the Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month Award for September 2023

By |October 16th, 2023|0 Comments

Jack Mizzi, who is 17 years old, set a new Maltese chess record when he won all nine games in the Malta Blitz Chess Championship on the 17th of September, joining the elite group of players who won a Blitz Championship with perfect scores. The Malta Blitz Championship is an annual tournament organised by the Malta Chess Federation, which saw the participation of 32 players from different countries including Germany, Türkiye, Serbia, and China. Unlike the traditional chess, where games usually  take more than three hours, in Blitz players are each allotted three minutes with two-second increments to make all their moves and each game is expected to last less than 10 minutes. Mizzi has been playing chess since the age of ten. At 13, he was the youngest person to win the Malta preliminaries. Last year Mizzi became Malta’s youngest-ever Candidate Master, which is a title awarded by [...]

6 10, 2023

L-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports b’seminar immirat għan-nisa fil-midja sportiva

By |October 6th, 2023|0 Comments

L-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports (GħĠS) bi pjaċir tikkonferma li se tkun qed torganizza seminar li se jsir nhar is-Sibt, 21 ta’ Ottubru 2023 bl-isem 'Training Women Sports Journalists / Reporters to work more at ease in the Sports Media industry’. L-għanijiet prinċipali ta’ dan is-seminar huma aktar nisa jitħajjru jidħlu fl-industrija tal-midja sportiva kif ukoll jgħin lil dawk in-nisa li qed jaspiraw li jkunu ġurnalisti sportivi sabiex jaħdmu f’ambjent aktar komdu. Uħud mill-aqwa ġurnalisti sportivi nisa Maltin flimkien ma diversi nisa Maltin oħra nvoluti fl-isport lokali se jkunu qed jaqsmu l-esperjenzi tagħhom f'dan is-semimar li hu l-ewwel wieħed tax-xorta tiegħu li qatt ġie organizzat f'pajjiżna dedikat għal dan is-suġġett. Fost il-kelliema barranin hemm Zsuzsa Csisztu li hija ġurnalista sportiva famuża fl-Ungerija, tikteb regolarment fuq 'Mandiner' u hija wkoll prezentattriċi regolari fuq l-istazzjon televiżiv 'Spiler Sports'. Csisztu hija wkoll avukat li tispeċjalizza fl-isport u tokkupa l-kariga ta' Membru Eżekuttiv fil-Kumitat Olimpiku [...]

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