TGS Malta Fair Play Award

25 10, 2023

It-tielet TGS Fair Play Award għas-sena 2023 imur għand Dylan Portelli

By |October 25th, 2023|0 Comments

Il-qaddief tal-klabb tal-Birgu, Dylan Portelli, ġie mogħti t-TGS Fair Play Award. Dan huwa t-tielet unur għas-sena 2023, li jkopri l-perjodu bejn Lulju u Settembru 2023. Dan l-unur li huwa frott tal-kolaborazzjoni li l-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports għandha mal-Malta Fair Play Movement u Together Gaming Solutions, huwa intiż għal dawk fil-qasam tal-isport kemm fuq livell individwali jew bħala tim għal mod altruwistiku ta’ Fair Play f’kompetizzjoni/ijiet uffiċjali jew le. Waqt l-aħħar edizzjoni tar-Regatta Nazzjonali ta’ Jum il-Vitorja, li saret fit-8 ta' Settembru 2023, fi trmiem it-tiġrija Klassi A Tal-Pass Ta' Bi Tnejn mirbuħa mill-Birgu fuq Bormla, il-qaddief ta' Bormla Clive Casha ħassu ħażin. Hekk kif il-qaddief Clive Casha ttieħed fuq il-lanċa tal-Protezzjoni Ċivili sabiex jingħata l-għajnuna meħtieġa, Dennis Thornton spiċċa waħdu fuq id-Dgħajsa Tal-Pass Ta' Bi Tnejn. Peress li daħlu mal-ewwel tliet klassifikati, kellha tintiżen skont ir-regolamenti tal-Għaqda Regatta Nazzjonali. F'dak il-mument Thornton ma setax jaqdef waħdu għall-użin u għaldaqstant Dylan [...]

25 10, 2023

Dylan Portelli presented with TGS Fair Play Award for the July-September period

By |October 25th, 2023|0 Comments

Dylan Portelli, Birgu Regatta Club's rower, has been awarded the TGS Fair Play Award. This is the third award for the year 2023, covering the July-September-period. The award given by the Malta Sports Journalists Association in collaboration with the Malta Fair Play Movement and Together Gaming Solutions, is aimed at sporting individuals or teams that would have distinguished themselves with an altruistic gesture of fair play during official and/or non-official competitions. The awarded act of Fair Play occurred during the last edition of the Regatta Nazzjonali held at the Valletta’s Grand Harbour on the 8th of September. At the end of one of the races, Bormla Regatta Club’s rower Clive Casha was not feeling well. As Bormla’s rower Clive Casha was transferred to a Civil Protection’s boat to receive the necessary medical assistance, his rowing partner Dennis Thornton remained alone on the Dgħajsa Tal-Pass Ta' Bi Tnejn (two oars [...]

28 07, 2023

Danica Bonello Spiteri presented with TGS Fair Play Award for the April-June period

By |July 28th, 2023|1 Comment

The Malta Sports Journalists Association (MSJA) has announced that the tenth TGS Malta Fair Play Award, has been awarded to veteran triathlete Danica Bonello Spiteri. This is the second award for the year 2023, covering the April–June-period. This award has been recently revamped by the MSJA in collaboration with the Malta Fair Play Movement and Together Gaming Solutions. The award is aimed at sporting individuals or teams that would have distinguished themselves with an altruistic gesture of fair play during official and/or non-official competitions. During the sprint triathlon national championship race, held on Sunday 11th June 2023 in Salina (limits of Naxxar and St. Paul’s Bay), Maya Schembri Rodgers came out of the water first, followed by Danica Bonello Spiteri with the latter trying to chase Schembri Rodgers on the bike section with the aim to start closing the gap. As Schembri Rogers was in sight of Bonello Spiteri, [...]

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