IZIBET Elite Athlete Award’s Rules and Regulations

  1. The adjudicating panel should be made of two (2) Executive Committee Members of the Malta Sports Journalists Association, two (2) Maltese Sports Journalists and a representative from the National Lottery company.
  2. The months of review for the award are the following: January – February, March – April, May – June, July – August, September – October, November – December.
  3. Maltese and foreign athletes (with a Maltese passport) over 18 years of age are eligible for this award.
  4. No athletes under 18 years of age are to be considered for this award.
  5. Every two (2) months, the Malta Sports Journalists Association will be contacting the local sports associations and federations, so as to remind them to submit their nominations for athletes who in their opinion deserve to be considered for the award’s review. The presentation is to be held at least not later than 30 days from the end of the period under review.
  6. The presentation will be held in a venue chosen by the Malta Sports Journalists Association and National Lottery.
  7. The Malta Sports Journalists Association will be donating €150 together with this award, which the athlete is free to use as he/she wants.
  8. Associated with this award is also a trophy which will be kept by the winning athlete.
  9. The Malta Sports Journalists Association obliges itself to keep record of all these winners, which are then published on its website -www.maltasportsjournalists.com.

Regolamenti dwar l-IZIBET Elite Athlete Award

  1. Il-bord tal-għażla għandu jkun iffurmat minn minimu ta’ żewġ (2) rappreżentanti mill-Kumitat Eżekuttiv tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports, żewġ (2) ġurnalisti oħra u rappreżentant tal-kumpanija National Lottery.
  2. Il-perjodi ta’ l-għażla fejn se jingħata l-award għandhom ikunu Jannar – Frar, Marzu – April, Mejju – Ġunju, Lulju – Awwissu, Settembru – Ottubru, Novembru – Diċembru.
  3. Atleti elite Maltin u barranin (bil-passaport Malti) tal-fuq minn 18-il sena huma eliġibbli għal dan l-unur.
  4. L-ebda atleta taħt it-18-il sena mhu eleġibbli għal dan l-unur.
  5. L-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports se tkun qed tikkomunika u tibgħat komunikazzjoni kull xagħrejn lill-assoċjazzjonijiet u l-federazzjonijiet lokali biex tfakkarhom sabiex jinnominaw ukoll fl-opinjoni tagħhom, atleta mill-assocjazzjoni jew federazzjoni tagħhom li jkun ħaqqu ikun ikkunsidrat għal dan l-unur. Il-preżentazzjoni trid issir tal-inqas mhux iktar tard minn 30 ġurnata wara li jkun għadda l-perjodu taħt skrutinju.
  6. Il-preżentazzjoni se tkun qed issir f’post li jiġi deċiż bejn l-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports u l-kumpanija National Lottery.
  7. L-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports se tkun qed tagħti donazzjoni marbuta ma’ dan l-award il-premju ta’ €150, li l-atleta jista’ jużahom kif irid.
  8. Marbut ma’ dan l-award hemm ukoll trofew li jinżamm għal dejjem mir-rebbieħ.
  9. L-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports tobbliga ruħha li żżomm rekord tar-rebbieħa kollha li jitniżżlu fuq il-website www.maltasportsjournalists.com.



May – June 2023: Gianluca Chetcuti (Shooting)

July – August 2023: Clayton Castaldi (Pool)

September – October 2023: Malta Women’s National Football Team

November – December 2023: Lisa Marie Bezzina (Athletics)

January – February 2024: Gianluca Barbara (Taekwondo)

March – April 2024: Katryna Esposito (Judo)

May – June 2024: Johan Attard (Blackball)

July – August 2024: Duncan Micallef (Drag Racing)

September – October 2024: Fabio Spiteri (Ultra-Triathlon)

November – December 2024: Lydan Debono (Blackball)